Olen porvoolaistunut vihreä kaupunkimetsäaktivisti, kaupunkisosiologi ja -maantieteilijä, sienestyksen, musiikin ja kirjoittamisen amatööri, jalkapallon moniharrastaja, isä, ulkoilija ja hyötyliikkuja. Olen yksin itse vastuussa blogini aineistoista ja mielipiteistä. Aineiston lainaaminen ilman lupaa kielletty.


Charm personified

My review of a 10-cd-set of Fritz Kreisler's recordings as published at Amazon is as follows. The original one can be accessed by clicking the headline:

The attribute most frequently associated with the great late Kreisler is charm. And it applies so readily to his humane approach, representing the long gone 19th century. While some purists might resent his vibrato as somewhat sugary, for the sympathetic listener it is only a depiction of his lifelong love for music. Probably the most representative of his art are the lollipops, some of them composed by the man himself but still his major ouevre is the Beethoven concerto with his own cadenzas. While the sound quality is hardly flattering for the orchestra, the golden violin sound shines thru. This is as indispensable a violin playing as it can get. The Beethoven sonatas (complete!) presented here are very much lead by the violin but make no mistake, they are musical and utterly charismatic stuff.

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